
Here you will find reports and results on past International Matches and Trials.

2013 Lough Lene Trial 1.9.13

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9 ladies attended the 3rd trial of the season on Lough Lene near Castlepollard

A strong wind met us on the shore along with some wildfowlers and their dogs who had been out on the lake since 3 am for the first day of the shooting season

The rainbows did not disappoint and were bow waving after both traditionals and lures.  The pike and perch obliged as well

The ladies were very pleased to welcome Kristina - our newest member - to her first trial with us

Many thanks to Tom Fagan and Lough Lene Anglers for looking after us so well

Top Angler - Julie Gerry with 4 fish for 192 cms

Top Boatman - Gerry Peppard who boated 5 fish for 237 cms for Hazel O'Gorman and Julie Gerry

lene group 2013


lene jenny and perch